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APRIL 16 | Doors 7PM | Show 8PM | $10 ADV/$13 DOS | 18+

The Lucid Owls - A three piece Psych Blues Fusion band from dallas Texas @thelucidowls

Wayside Motel - southern grunge band from Dallas, Texas, blending bluesy indie rock with raw energy and storytelling @waysidemotelband

Leroy Cravatt - Guitarist From Dallas Texas. Inspired from Hendrix ,Vaughn, & Clapton @LeroyCravattDream

Safe in the Dark - alternative rock band from Dallas, Texas, blending theatrical storytelling with punk energy and emo influences @safeinthedarkband

One-Eyed Monsters - Fee Fi Fo Fum, I Smell the blood of another One-Eyed Monsters victim. Be he alive or Be he Dead, i'll grind his eardrums out to make my bread. @oneeyedmonsters

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Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studio
Age Limit
18 & up