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Price tag $15.00 to $80.00 Play Video Listen
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MAPLE メープル is an indie rock/electronic/shoegaze-adjacent three piece band, founded by Io Watts in 2016. After existing as a solo project for a couple years, drummer Matt Farmer and bassist Nathan Fenner eventually joined the band. The collaborative nature of the trio has led to an evolution of MAPLE's sound, while simultaneously staying true to the original concept. The band's music thrives in contrast: from heavy distorted guitars to electronic lofi beats; from catchy pop anthems to washed-out improvised ambience; when MAPLE performs, there's something for everyone. Probably.

"MAPLE メープル 
is nostalgic, sweet, and sinister all at the same time. The droning distorted guitar seems to melt into eternity as Io Watts' falsetto delicately floats overhead. The band also has eerie atmospheric effects hanging out at the edges, drinks in hand, peering into the life of the party." - Collen Garey, Stay Positive Magazine

Central Track's Song of the Day: 


General Admission and VIP Ticketing

General Admission Tickets allow you into the venue and do not reserve you a seat or a table. Most of our venue and stage area is standing room only!
VIP Tickets allow you to have a seat/table reserved for the event. If you are under 21 years of age, we require you to purchase a VIP ticket.
We require guests under 21 years of age to purchase VIP tickets due to the enhanced amount of security that underage patrons require. We understand that not all of our underage guests are attempting to break the law by consuming alcohol...however, we must take all appropriate precautions due to our responsibilities as a Licensed Seller of Alcohol.

Security and Guest Safety

We reserve the right to remove any guest at anytime for any reason (or event) that we deem "unacceptable". We do not condone or allow the use of drugs on or in our property - including Marijuana and THC related items. Our guest's safety is one of our highest priorities and we appreciate you in helping create a safe environment for our guests.

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Hochatown Saloon
Age Limit
All Ages