Event by   Chasquis Group LLC
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Price tag $15.00 to $20.00 Play Video Listen
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Chasquis Presents:

Pehuenche (México)

Pehuenche es el projecto musical del cantante mexicano Rafael Mesa, quien en su obra recorre un proceso de sanación; un proceso, liberador, que desata nostalgia y melancolía para reconocerse como ser humano y a la vez como espejo de sus escuchas. 

La ejecución en vivo de Pehuenche te envuelve en una energía misteriosa para llevarte a un espacio íntimo y delicado, a través de un ritual de catarsis, generando un dialogo interno que recorre las fantasías, temores y alegrías, siendo un dechado que emana resplandor y despertar a la hora de ser escuchado. 


Gabacho (Chicago)

Gabacho, the solo project of Mexican-American songwriter Siul Reynoso, presents a singular sound informed by the complexities of an equally singular identity. A uniquely memorable songwriter, vocalist, and guitarist, Siul’s lo-fi surf rock gems are defined by his ability to balance and integrate American pop music with traditional Mexican styles like Ranchera and Cumbia to create something truly new. His lyrics are written in both Spanish and English to best express his ideas and emotions according to the nature of each song.


Opener TBD (Austin)

Wed. Nov. 20th @ Sahara Lounge (Austin)

1413 Webberville Rd

Austin TX 78721

7pm - Doors

8pm - Opener

9pm - Gabacho

10pm - Pehuenche

11:30pm - end of show