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We Met At Alamo 

Singles Mixer

In this day and age, it feels better than ever to close the apps, drop your phone, and prioritize real, true, human connection. Burt Bacharach first said it and it still rings truer every day: what the world needs now is love, sweet love! The first step is getting ourselves out there and meeting someone new. And Alamo is making that part a whole lot easier - and with so little pressure with our Singles Mixer. This event is for our straight folks!

Meet up! Check-in with the host to get your wristband for the night. Each wristband indicates what you are looking for. 

  • If you are SINGLE you will wear a blue wrist band
  • If you are not sure yet or in an OPEN RELATIONSHIP you will wear an orange ​wristband
  • If you are there to support single friends you will wear a green wristband



What To Expect

  1. Grab a drink from the bar staff while we transition to socializing.
  2. Let the sparks fly! Mini speed dating sign-up sheet will be at check-in. Groups of 6 will have 2 minute rounds with each other to introduce themselves using optional ice breakers provided by the hosts. These will happen throughout the evening and are completely optionalYou can participate as many times as you'd like.
  3. Your host will go through everyone's interest sheets, find those that matched each other, and create a contact list from their preferred form of contact so you can make your next move.
  4. Party! Unwind even more with the other curated events of the evening - group icebreaker games, a performance, board games, or a movie - it's Alamo after all! ​


                 This event runs monthly! 

Event by
The Highball
Age Limit
21 & up