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Welcome to the payment platform for the 129th Annual Convention for the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas! Glad you made it! You should have arrived here after receiving a letter telling you how many delegate tickets to purchase. 

You can add additional guest tickets including clergy spouses and other members of your congregation who are interested in attending. Walk-up registration will be available on the day of Convention for guests, but we encourage everyone to preregister for planning purposes.

You will receive a receipt after your payment today. THIS IS NOT YOUR TICKET (although it will look very much like a ticket!) Your ticket will be e-mailed to the address we have on file a few days before the event. You will also receive additional Convention materials in the mail, so be sure to check the information we have for you (provided in the letter you received) and let us know of any changes.

If you have any questions about registration for convention, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Cassie Roberts (p) 214-826-8310  //   (e) croberts@edod.org