Brother Moses
Brother Moses was formed amidst the small but vibrant indie rock scene in the mid-2010s in
Fayetteville, Arkansas, and over the past near-decade has crisscrossed the country several
times in a variety of motor vehicles that have all at some point needed emergency repairs.
MOSES GOMEZ, guitarist and namesake of the band, has a wide breadth of practical
knowledge related to many things including engines, and has often provided a useful spur of
the moment mechanic, trusted with keeping the current touring van well maintained. JAMES
LOCKHART, singer-songwriter, a lifelong friend of Moses, and as such the co-founder of the
original lineup is not so great with car repair but is pretty good in a crisis and always tries to
boost morale in times of distress, keeping the mood light during tire changes, U-Haul trailer
malfunctions, and even a couple of robberies. JOHN-LEWIS ANDERSON, guitarist and
basically a founding member of the band, is the resident Vibe Master, often trusted to DJ
during long drives between, say, Bishop Hill, Illinois, and Columbia, Georgia, two places
which the band didn’t know existed until they performed live music there. COREY DILL,
drummer and solid foundation on which the band has built a home since he joined as a
member in 2016, is a true workhorse of a musician and human being and is often called on
to take the wheel in the early hours of the morning, always willing to drive more than his fair
The years these four men, a quartet, if you will, have spent making and performing music
together, have been full of ups, downs, and in-betweens. They have plugged in their guitars
and set up their drums in basements, theaters, dive bars, on stages in front of thousands of
people, and at more than one crawfish boil. They have recorded and released three EPs and
two full-length albums, all available in stores now. They’ve watched as their art project
shifted shape, lost and acquired members, moved home base from Arkansas to New York
City, made friends and enemies in almost every state in America, and have grown up
together in real-time. What’s transpired between them at this point looks more like a family
than a creative partnership - a shared life colored with triumph and devastation. If there’s
one thing they’ve learned about being a band in the year 2025 it’s that you have to really
love this stuff and love each other to keep doing it for this long. The good news for everyone is,
they do. See you at a show.