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North Central Florida Regional Blues Challenge
The North Central Florida Blues Society is an affiliate of the Blues Foundation, which holds the International Blues Challenge every year in Memphis. As an affiliate, the North Central Florida Blues Society holds a regional competition, which allows for a winning band, solo/duo, and self-produced CD to compete as a representative of the North Central Florida region in the IBC in Downtown Memphis, Tennessee in the Beale Street Historic District.

This year we hold the Blues Challenge at Heartwood Soundstage!

The NCFBS has been represented in Memphis since 2008. Four different NCFBS acts have advanced to the Semifinals, and 21 Blue made the Finals for Best Self-Produced CD in 2020. Which acts will be next? Who will take the prize and represent North Central Florida?
Support your favorite Blues artist or discover your new favorite!
Registration deadline for bands, solo/duos, and self-produced CDs is September 6th. Registration fees must be paid and NCFBS membership must be current by registration deadline. Please contact rob@ncfblues.org for rules and registration. Do not miss this unique opportunity!
The categories the acts will be judged on (set by the Blues Foundation in Memphis) are:

Blues Content, Originality, Vocals, Instrumental Talent, and Stage Presence.

Blues Content is the highest weighted category, followed by Originality.