Harry Potter Trivia at The Brass Tap North Dallas
Just how well do you know ALL Harry Potter Movies?
Are you House Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Sssssslytherin?
No spells allowed while inside the venue, but you might get away with a light or dark potion brew.
So noooo "Confundo" and certainly noooo "Obliviate"!!.
Travel with your crew or solo, but watch out for those Death Eaters on the way. They're supposed to behave during this occasion.
***Nundu FREE***
And please.... don't cry like a baby Mandrake if your team doesn't win one of the the top 3 spots.
Costumes encouraged, but not required
1-6 players per team
Prizes for the top 3!
Seating is first come first served.
Only 1 smart device (phone, tablet, laptop..etc) per team is needed to send in your answers.
Make sure those smart devices are good and charged up to go.