Witness to HOPE: Sharing our Faith with Confidence, Compassion and Authenticity
Saturday, April 5, 2025
9:30am - 2:30pm
St. Matthew's Cathedral - Great Hall
5100 Ross Avenue
Dallas, TX 75206
Free parking in the Apartment Parking Garage.
Becky Pippert
FREE - includes Lunch Buffet!
No matter what part of the world I am ministering, though especially in the West, I hear Christians say they long to see family members and friends come to know Christ. But they feel inadequate - they don’t feel they have the gift or the right personality to be effective in witness. Their fears are similar: How do I raise the topic of faith naturally? What if I offend them or they reject me? What if they ask me a question I can’t answer? How can I explain the gospel without using God-talk they won’t understand? The goal of this conference is to help everyday Christians learn how to share their faith - not in a formulaic, memorized, one-size-fits-all approach, but in a way that is natural not manipulative; sensitive to the person we are speaking to while still remaining ourselves. And to communicate God’s truth in ways that makes sense and is relevant to the lives and questions of our seeker and skeptic friends.
One thing has become clear to me: never has there been a greater need to share Christ with the world - and never have believers felt more ill-equipped. Ironically, while we are living in challenging times for the gospel, we are also living in remarkable times that are full of opportunities for the gospel. These very times are making unbelievers more open not less, to having spiritual conversations. So come and discover how God has sent us into our battered world to be signs and agents of his blessed Kingdom, for such a time as this! I look forward to seeing you April 5, in Dallas!
Rebecca Manley Pippert is a renowned author of 12 books, evangelist, and international speaker. Becky’s recent book, Stay Salt: The World Has Changed Our Message Must Not, was selected by The Gospel Coalition for Best Book in Evangelism and Apologetics for 2020. Her worldwide best-selling first book, Out Of The Saltshaker & Into The World, was named by Christianity Today as one of the 50 books that has most influenced modern Christian thought in the past fifty years.
The Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, The Greater Dallas Coalition, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Impact Church/Impact Discipleship, The Good News Initiative, Global Faith Project and UNITE.