When your email builder & ticketing solution are combined, you can build email campaigns in seconds, not hours.
You don't need external tools or expertise to resize & crop your images for your email blasts. This means more time spent on other things.
Your events are tracked for clicks & purchases, so every email blast you send has the metrics you need for success.
With a push of a button, you can import your entire calendar into a variety of email formats. Dates, times, description, and more are automatically imported so there's no more cutting and pasting.
Your event images will be automatically cropped and resized for minimum file size. You can override any image as well if you want to control the crop location yourself.
Check your open and click rates in real time, and see which events are getting the most traction and direct sales from your blasts.
Make your email blast match your brand by selecting a color scheme and tweaking it to your liking.
Preview your email blasts by sending them to an email address to be viewed natively.
Compose your email blasts in advance, and schedule them to be delivered right when you want them to.
Each email costs just $.001
Ask about our discounts for high volume ticket sellers.